SOAP API method Rule_condition
A single condition of this rule.
Name | Type | Description |
id * | int | Unique identifier (id) of the object Rule. The method only applies to the rule with this id. |
type * | string | Type of condition, the possibilities: 'Change','Date','DoubleField','Email','Fax','Field','Interest', 'LastContact','MiniView','Sms','ToDo','Survey', 'Part', 'ReferView' |
identifier * | int | ID of the condition |
login | Structure of type 'login' | Optional login data (soon deprecated) |
access_token | string | Optional api access token |
* required parameters |
Return values
Name | Type | Description |
partcondition | Structure of type 'partcondition' | |
fieldcondition | Structure of type 'fieldcondition' | |
surveycondition | Structure of type 'surveycondition' | |
todocondition | Structure of type 'todocondition' | |
interestcondition | Structure of type 'interestcondition' | |
lastcontactcondition | Structure of type 'lastcontactcondition' | |
referviewcondition | Structure of type 'referviewcondition' | |
changecondition | Structure of type 'changecondition' | |
miniviewcondition | Structure of type 'miniviewcondition' | |
doublefieldcondition | Structure of type 'doublefieldcondition' | |
exportcondition | Structure of type 'exportcondition' | |
datecondition | Structure of type 'datecondition' | |
emailcondition | Structure of type 'emailcondition' | |
smscondition | Structure of type 'smscondition' | |
faxcondition | Structure of type 'faxcondition' |
Structure 'login'
Name | Type | Description |
username | string | The username of the login attempt |
account | string | The account name of the login attempt |
password | string | The password for the login attempt |
Structure 'partcondition'
Name | Type | Description |
random | boolean | Whether or not the results are ordered randomly |
begin | string | The first selected profile from the parent, ordered by the fields |
length | string | The number of selected profiles. This value can be a number or a percentage. |
id | int | The ID of the condition. |
type | string | The type of the condition. |
disabled | boolean | Is this condition disabled? |
Structure 'fieldcondition'
Name | Type | Description |
comparison | string | The comparison type, valid values are: 'equals', 'not equals', 'contains', |
value | string | The value that the field is compared with. |
numericComparison | boolean | Is the comparison done numeric or not |
id | int | The ID of the condition. |
type | string | The type of the condition. |
disabled | boolean | Is this condition disabled? |
Structure 'surveycondition'
Name | Type | Description |
submitter | string | The required submitter of the survey. |
surveyname | string | The name of the survey that must have been filled in. |
aftertime | string | The 'after' time of the condition. |
aftermutation | DateMutation | The variable time AFTER which the survey must be submitted. |
beforetime | string | The 'before' time of the condition. |
beforemutation | DateMutation | The variable time BEFORE which the survey must be submitted. |
id | int | The ID of the condition. |
type | string | The type of the condition. |
disabled | boolean | Is this condition disabled? |
Structure 'todocondition'
Name | Type | Description |
matchtype | string | The match type of the to do condition. |
matchmode | string | The matchmode of the to do condition. |
contacttype | ContactType | The contacttype of the to do condition. |
minopencontacts | int | The minimum number of items that should be on the todo list. |
maxopencontacts | int | The maximum number of items that should be on the todo list. |
aftertime | timestamp | The aftertime of the todo condition. |
aftermutation | DateMutation | The aftermutation of the todo condition. |
beforetime | timestamp | The beforetime of the todo condition. |
beforemutation | DateMutation | The beforemutation of the todo condition. |
beforeinterval | DateMutation | Set the beforemutation of the todo condition. |
priority | string | Get the priority of the selected todo's. |
contains | string | Get the search string for the todo contents |
id | int | The ID of the condition. |
type | string | The type of the condition. |
disabled | boolean | Is this condition disabled? |
Structure 'interestcondition'
Name | Type | Description |
matchmode | string | The matchmode of the interestcondition. |
interestgroup | string | The interestgroup of the condition. |
id | int | The ID of the condition. |
type | string | The type of the condition. |
disabled | boolean | Is this condition disabled? |
Structure 'lastcontactcondition'
Name | Type | Description |
matchtype | string | The match type of the lastcontactcondition. |
matchmode | string | The matchmode of the lastcontactcondition. |
contacttype | ContactType | The type of contact that we recently had (or did not have). |
minclosedcontacts | int | The minimum number of items that should be on the todo list. |
maxclosedcontacts | int | The maximum number of items that should be on the contast list. |
aftertime | timestamp | The aftertime of the last contact condition. |
aftermutation | DateMutation | The aftermutation of the last contact condition. |
beforetime | timestamp | The beforetime of the last contact condition. |
beforemutation | DateMutation | The beforemutation of the last contact condition. |
beforeinterval | DateMutation | Set the before mutation of the last contact condition. |
priority | string | Get the priority of the selected contacts |
contains | string | Get the search string for the contact report contents |
id | int | The ID of the condition. |
type | string | The type of the condition. |
disabled | boolean | Is this condition disabled? |
Structure 'referviewcondition'
Name | Type | Description |
checktype | string | Should a profile be present in the other view or not. |
id | int | The ID of the condition. |
type | string | The type of the condition. |
disabled | boolean | Is this condition disabled? |
Structure 'changecondition'
Name | Type | Description |
changetype | string | The changetype of the changecondition. |
aftertime | timestamp | The aftertime of the changecondition. |
aftermutation | DateMutation | The aftermutation of the changecondition. |
beforetime | timestamp | The beforetime of the changecondition. |
beforeinterval | DateMutation | The before mutation of the changecondition. |
id | int | The ID of the condition. |
type | string | The type of the condition. |
disabled | boolean | Is this condition disabled? |
Structure 'miniviewcondition'
Name | Type | Description |
minsubprofiles | int | The minimum number of subprofiles that should exists in the miniview. |
maxsubprofiles | int | The maximum number of subprofiles that should exists in the miniview. |
id | int | The ID of the condition. |
type | string | The type of the condition. |
disabled | boolean | Is this condition disabled? |
Structure 'doublefieldcondition'
Name | Type | Description |
matchmode | string | The matchmode of the doublefieldcondition. |
id | int | The ID of the condition. |
type | string | The type of the condition. |
disabled | boolean | Is this condition disabled? |
Structure 'exportcondition'
Name | Type | Description |
includeneverexportedprofiles | boolean | When this is true the condition also includes the profiles that weren't exported before. |
aftertime | timestamp | The aftertime of the exportcondition. |
aftermutation | DateMutation | The aftermutation of the exportcondition. |
beforetime | timestamp | The beforetime of the exportcondition. |
beforemutation | DateMutation | The before mutation of the exportcondition. |
id | int | The ID of the condition. |
type | string | The type of the condition. |
disabled | boolean | Is this condition disabled? |
Structure 'datecondition'
Name | Type | Description |
aftertime | timestamp | The 'after' time of the date condition. |
aftermutation | DateMutation | The variable time after which the chosen field must be. |
beforetime | timestamp | The 'before' time of the date condition. |
beforemutation | DateMutation | The variable time before which the chosen field must be. |
comparemode | string | The compare mode of the datecondition. |
id | int | The ID of the condition. |
type | string | The type of the condition. |
disabled | boolean | Is this condition disabled? |
Structure 'emailcondition'
Name | Type | Description |
requiredresult | string | The emailings certain result. |
clickedurl | string | The URL that must be clicked. |
requirederrors | Array | These errors trigger the condition, used in comination of the 'error' result. |
matchmode | string | The matchmode of the mailingcondition. |
requireddestination | string | The required destination of the condition. |
documentname | string | The name of the document of the condition. |
aftertime | timestamp | The 'after' time of the condition. |
aftermutation | DateMutation | Change the variable time before which the mailing should have been sent. |
beforetime | timestamp | The 'before' time of the condition. |
beforemutation | DateMutation | The variable time before which the mailing should have been sent. |
number | int | The required number of messages that are received. |
operator | string | The operator to compare the number of messages with the number of received messages by the profile/subprofile. |
templatename | string | The name of the template of the condition. |
id | int | The ID of the condition. |
type | string | The type of the condition. |
disabled | boolean | Is this condition disabled? |
Structure 'smscondition'
Name | Type | Description |
matchmode | string | The matchmode of the mailingcondition. |
requireddestination | string | The required destination of the condition. |
documentname | string | The name of the document of the condition. |
aftertime | timestamp | The 'after' time of the condition. |
aftermutation | DateMutation | Change the variable time before which the mailing should have been sent. |
beforetime | timestamp | The 'before' time of the condition. |
beforemutation | DateMutation | The variable time before which the mailing should have been sent. |
number | int | The required number of messages that are received. |
operator | string | The operator to compare the number of messages with the number of received messages by the profile/subprofile. |
templatename | string | The name of the template of the condition. |
id | int | The ID of the condition. |
type | string | The type of the condition. |
disabled | boolean | Is this condition disabled? |
Structure 'faxcondition'
Name | Type | Description |
matchmode | string | The matchmode of the mailingcondition. |
requireddestination | string | The required destination of the condition. |
documentname | string | The name of the document of the condition. |
aftertime | timestamp | The 'after' time of the condition. |
aftermutation | DateMutation | Change the variable time before which the mailing should have been sent. |
beforetime | timestamp | The 'before' time of the condition. |
beforemutation | DateMutation | The variable time before which the mailing should have been sent. |
number | int | The required number of messages that are received. |
operator | string | The operator to compare the number of messages with the number of received messages by the profile/subprofile. |
templatename | string | The name of the template of the condition. |
id | int | The ID of the condition. |
type | string | The type of the condition. |
disabled | boolean | Is this condition disabled? |