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SOAP API methode DoubleFieldMiniCondition_update


Naam Type Beschrijving
id * string The identifier (id) of the object that is updated
matchmode * string The matchmode of the doublefieldminicondition.
context * string The context for the condition.
disabled * boolean Is this minicondition disabled?
* verplichte parameters


Naam Type Beschrijving
doublefieldminicondition Structure of type 'doublefieldminicondition' All properties of the now updated doublefieldminicondition

Structuur 'doublefieldminicondition'

Naam Type Beschrijving
matchmode string The matchmode of the doublefieldminicondition.
context string The context for the condition.
id int The ID of the minicondition.
type string The type of the minicondition.
disabled boolean Is this minicondition disabled?