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SOAP API methode Field_update


Naam Type Beschrijving
id * string The identifier (id) of the object that is updated
name * string The name of the field.
pixelwidth * int The width of this field.
weight * int The weight of this field.
type * string The type of this field.
value * string The default value of this field.
ordered * boolean Is this the field that we order by by default?
displayed * boolean Is this field displayed?
length * integer Get the length of the field
lines * integer Get the number of lines in this field
hidden * boolean Is this field hidden?
index * boolean Is this field indexed?
* verplichte parameters


Naam Type Beschrijving
field Structure of type 'field' All properties of the now updated field

Structuur 'field'

Naam Type Beschrijving
id int The ID of the field.
name string The name of the field.
big boolean Is this field a big field?.
pixelwidth int The width of this field.
weight int The weight of this field.
type string The type of this field.
value string The default value of this field.
specialcontent string The special content of this field.
ordered boolean Is this the field that we order by by default?
displayed boolean Is this field displayed?
indatatable boolean Is this field added to the data table?
length integer Get the length of the field
lines integer Get the number of lines in this field
hidden boolean Is this field hidden?
index boolean Is this field indexed?