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SOAP API methode ToDoCondition_retrieve


Naam Type Beschrijving
id * string The identifier (id) of the object that is retrieved
* verplichte parameters


Naam Type Beschrijving
todocondition Structure of type 'todocondition' All properties of the retrieved todocondition

Structuur 'todocondition'

Naam Type Beschrijving
matchtype string The match type of the to do condition.
matchmode string The matchmode of the to do condition.
contacttype ContactType The contacttype of the to do condition.
minopencontacts int The minimum number of items that should be on the todo list.
maxopencontacts int The maximum number of items that should be on the todo list.
aftertime timestamp The aftertime of the todo condition.
aftermutation DateMutation The aftermutation of the todo condition.
beforetime timestamp The beforetime of the todo condition.
beforemutation DateMutation The beforemutation of the todo condition.
beforeinterval DateMutation Set the beforemutation of the todo condition.
priority string Get the priority of the selected todo's.
contains string Get the search string for the todo contents
id int The ID of the condition.
type string The type of the condition.
disabled boolean Is this condition disabled?