Loadprofile and loadsubprofile

Do you have multiple databases with related data? Within Smarty personalization, you are not limited to getting the data from the target database only. Loadprofile enables you to retrieve data from any database. Loadsubprofile does the same, but from any data collection within your account.

The code below provides an example how you can retrieve profile data from a different database.

{loadprofile source="nameofyourdatabase" assign=loadedprofile}

Source must contain the name of the database. Optionally you can also refer to a selection in the database. The name of the database and the selection are separated by a dot.


Assign the loaded data to a variable of your choosing (in the example loadedprofile)

You can now retrieve data via{$loadedprofile.fieldname}

If you do not specify which profile you want to retreive, only the first in the database will be returned. You can select a particular profile by using the ID-parameter. For example:

{loadprofile source="Databasename" id=1337 assign=loadedprofile}

The same applies for loading subprofiles from a collection

{loadsubprofile source="Databasename:Collectionname" profile=$profile.id assign=loadedsubprofile}


assign* to what variable should the result be assigned

id** id of the (sub)profile to be loaded

source** What is the source to load the profile from, i.e.

  • a database(source=Databasename),
  • a selection (source="Databasename.Selectionname")
  • loadsubprofile a collection (source="Databasename:Collectionname")\
  • miniselection (source="Databasename:Collectionname.Miniselectionname")
  • a combination (source="Databasename.Selectionname:Collectionname.Miniselectionname")

... by adding extra filters e.g. (newsletter=yes) those name/value combination are added as filters for the (sub)profile which will be retrieved

* The assign parameter is required \ ** The id or source parameter is required\ \ The load(sub)profilefunction has two additional options to loadprofile and three options to loadsubprofile.

  • multiple - by setting the option multiple to true, an array with profiles is returned instead of a single profile
  • limit - when the option multiple is used, a limit can be supplied, which limits the number of profiles which are returned
  • profile - (only for loadsubprofile) by supplying the parameter profile (with a profile id), only subprofiles of the profile with that id are returned
  • orderby='fielname asc/desc'- Use this option to sort the results ascending or descending. If you omit this option the system will fallback on the default (sorting ascending on the field id)

Example of loadsubprofile in combination with smarty foreach

Without the smarty foreach function, loadprofile and loadsubprofile will only return to you the first profile or subprofile.

To create -for example- a list with the last 2 products purchased by a customer and show these in your template, your code can look something like this:

{loadsubprofile source="Customers:Products" assign="orderedproducts" profile=$profile.id multiple=true limit=2 orderby='orderdate asc' }
  {foreach $orderedproducts as $product}
          Product ID: {$product.productid},
          Product name: {$product.name},
          Ordered on: {$product.orderdate}

Brief explanation of above example

  • The data is taken from the collection 'Products' of database 'Customers'
  • The result is assigned to the variable 'orderedproducts'
  • There is only search to subprofiles associated with the parent profile of the current destination (profile=$profile.id)
  • The multiple=true in combination with limit=2 ensures that only 2 subprofiles are returned.
  • The returned subprofiles sorted ascending (asc) using the value in the field "orderdate"
  • Finally smarty foreach is used to iterate through the results (you need foreach to be able to show data from all returned subprofiles!)

The result

  • Product ID: 351354, Product name: Laphroaig single malt whisky 18 years, Ordered on: 2013-09-21
  • Product ID: 6262, Product name: Box of Cuban cigars, Ordered on: 2013-09-23