Copernica REST API

The Copernica REST API is a powerful platform that allows developers to programmatically access the extensive data managed by Copernica. With this API, users can retrieve, edit, add, and delete data within their Copernica environment. This opens the door to automated workflows, integrations with other systems, and in-depth data analysis.

The Copernica REST API is designed to easily integrate with other systems and applications. Developers can make API calls from various programming languages such as Python, PHP, JavaScript, and more. Copernica's comprehensive API documentation provides detailed information and examples, allowing you to get started quickly and make the most out of the API.

Versions of the Copernica REST API

The Copernica REST API is continuously developed and improved. If the API changes in a way that affects users, such as changes in output, the version number is incremented to ensure existing integrations continue to work.

The current version of the REST API is version 4, which offers more features and improved performance compared to previous versions. We recommend using only this version of the REST API.

Older Versions

For users who still need to refer to previous versions of the REST API, the following articles are still accessible:

In addition to the REST API, Copernica also offers a SOAP API. While the SOAP API is robust, it is outdated and more complex to use than the REST API. The REST API is more user-friendly, lightweight, and better suited for modern web applications.