REST API v4: GET profile subprofiles

Subprofiles are to a collection what regular profiles are to a database. To request the subprofiles that represent a certain profile in a certain collections you can send an HTTP GET request to the following URL:$id/subprofiles/$id

The first $id should be replaced with the numerical identifier of the profile you're requesting the subprofiles of and the second $id should be replaced with the identifier of the collection that contains the subprofile.

Returned fields

This method returns a JSON object with the subprofiles under the data property. Each subprofile contains the following fields:

  • ID: Numerical ID of the subprofile.
  • secret: The "secret" code linked to a subprofile.
  • fields: Associative array of field names and values.
  • profile: Numerical ID of the profile the subprofile belongs to.
  • collection: ID of the collection where the subprofile is stored.
  • created: Timestamp for creation of subprofile in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format.
  • modified: Timestamp for last edit of subprofile in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format.
  • removed: Indicates whether the subprofile has been removed or not.

JSON example

The JSON for a single subprofile might look something like this:

   "created":"2008-08-25 16:14:56",
   "modified":"2010-08-25 16:15:56",

PHP Example

The following PHP script demonstrates how to use the API method.

// dependencies

// change this into your access token
$api = new CopernicaRestAPI("your-access-token", 4);

// do the call, and print result

The example above requires the CopernicaRestApi class.

More information