REST API v4: PUT unsubscribe subprofile
You can execute the setup unsubscribe behavior of a subprofile in the collection of a database by sending an HTTP PUT request to the following URL:$id/unsubscribe
The variable $id
should be replaced with the ID of the subprofile you want to unsubscribe.
Body data
The request does not need any additional data to be sent in the body. The CopernicaRestApi class class does require a body to be sent, so in this case we use an empty array.
PHP example
The following PHP script demonstrates how the API method can be called.
// dependencies
// change this into your access token
$api = new CopernicaRestAPI("your-access-token", 4);
// body data
$data = array();
// do the call
$api->put("subprofile/{$subprofileID}/unsubscribe", $data));
The example above requires the CopernicaRestApi class.