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SOAP API method Account_dkim


A DKIM is used to sign a e-mail with a key so it can be verified by the receiver.


Name Type Description
identifier * string ID, domainname or e-mailaddress for which the DKIM is fetched
login Structure of type 'login' Optional login data (soon deprecated)
access_token string Optional api access token
* required parameters

Return values

Name Type Description
dkim Structure of type 'dkim'

Structure 'login'

Name Type Description
username string The username of the login attempt
account string The account name of the login attempt
password string The password for the login attempt

Structure 'dkim'

Name Type Description
id int Get the ID of this DomainKey.
domainname string Get the domain name where the public key is found.
selector string Get the selector of the domain where the public key is found.
publickey string Get the public key for this DKIM used by the receiver to check if this e-mail is from the signer.
privatekey string Get the private key for this DKIM used to sign a e-mail.
isValid boolean Check if the current settings are valid for DKIM use.