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SOAP API method ScheduledSmsMailing_retrieve


Name Type Description
id * string The identifier (id) of the object that is retrieved
* required parameters

Return values

Name Type Description
scheduledsmsmailing Structure of type 'scheduledsmsmailing' All properties of the retrieved scheduledsmsmailing

Structure 'scheduledsmsmailing'

Name Type Description
registerstatus boolean Will the status be registered?.
description string The description of the scheduled mailing
test boolean Was this a test mailing?.
personalized boolean Was this mailing personalized?.
nodoubles boolean Was the target contains doubles?.
messagesperminute int The max number of messages that are sent withing one minute
priority int Priority of the mailing. Higher value indicated higher priority.
nextstarttime timestamp The next time when this scheduled event will run.
schedulediterations int The number of iterations that are still remaining.
processediterations int The number of iterations that were already processed.
previousstarttime string The starttime of the most recent iteration.
prevstarttime timestamp The starttime of the most recent iteration.
processmissediterations boolean Will the missed iterations be processed anyway?.
id int The ID of the scheduledevent.